Understand the impact of unit retention on your bottom line like never before.

Finance teams and post-sales revenue leaders use this calculator to measure the impact of unit churn on ARR and LTV. Please make a copy and make it your own.

With this calculator, you can:

Accurately forecast your company's CAC & retention revenue

Understand how many customers you can save if you improve churn

Measure the effects of churn over time (as retention compounds)

Understand how many more sellers you'll need to hire to "close" the churn gap

Measure revenue missed, LTV analysis, sales & valuation waterfalls, and much more...

2024 Revenue Retention Calculator

Revenue Retention Calculator

80% of churn is avoidable. This free plan will help you prevent churn. 

We're not talking about saving a customer here or there. Sturdy customers typically see churn improve by more than 30%. So, set big goals.

In this plan, we'll cover:

How to correctly set big, hairy, audacious goals.

How to prepare a summary proposal and vendor analysis.

Proper considerations for data security and systems.

Establishing a winning intervention roadmap.

Playbooks for common churn behaviors, and so much more...

Sturdy has given us the insights necessary to intervene and save hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual contract value before they churn and the revenue is gone... It took less than six weeks to see month-over-month retention improve by 30%.

Tony Delmercado
President @ Hawke Media

Trusted by leading customer-obsessed companies

Trusted by leading customer-obsessed companies

© 2023 SturdyAI. All rights reserved

What is Sturdy?

Sturdy identifies the customer and team behaviors that drive revenue retention and then kicks off clear intervention plans to prevent churn.

Sturdy customers typically see churn improve by 30%. And we get it; that sounds totally unrealistic. Then again, you've never used Sturdy.

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